Knowledge and Experience

Through Michelle’s knowledge and experience she comes to you as a strong leader:

 32 years a member

27 years an Activist as

* Vice President, Safety & Health Officer, Chief Steward

* Chairperson of Health Care Support Services (HCSS) negotiating Committee (representing 19 Locals)

* Chairperson of HCSS Provincial Standardization Committee (ensuring equality not just within the MGEU but equality across the province within all employers and Unions)

* Chairperson of MGEU Technological Change Committee

* Chairperson of the MGEU Women’s Committee

* Member of the National Union of Public and Government Employees (NUPGE) Women’s Advisory Council (ensuring the Sisters of the MGEU have full representation across Canada, a voice in Ottawa)

* Prior to 4th VP – Michelle was the Board Director representing 3,400 HCSS members

* Through the assistance of MGEU Specialists, appealed Worker Compensation Board (WCB) decisions and succeeded in overturning rulings.

* Lead the HCSS Strike votes in 2009 (leading the membership in standing firm for member’s vacation rights – ensuring the members had voice!)

* Lead the members into their requested “Awareness Campaign” for HCSS members in 2003 & 2004 (organized members to appear on T.V. commercials, Bill Boards and posters – educating the public of the importance of the services provided by the members)

* Co-facilitates many of the MGEU Educationals – teaching others to have voice!

Michelle has completed the following MGEU Educationals:

* Steward Training I

* Steward Training II

* Advanced Steward Training

* Negotiator Training

* Chief Steward Training

* Advanced Union Leadership – Public Speaking

* Public Awareness Campaign – Training

* Public Awareness Campaign – Training the Trainer

* Public Awareness Campaign – Fall Budget Sessions 2005 &2006

* Bullying in the Workplace

* We are the MGEU

* Effective Meetings

* Representing Our Members

* Safety & Health – Workers Compensation

* Building a Respectful Workplace

* Special Educationals’:

* Exploring Leadership

* Bridging the Cultures

* Organizing the Unorganized

* Pensions

Michelle graduated Canadian Labour College in Ottawa in 2006 as well as completing Manitoba Labour Law course. She completed NUPGE Leadership School in Ottawa in 2008 and numerous Canadian Labour Congress courses through the years such as Facilitator Training, Leadership Training, Safety & Health Officer Training and Instructor Training. Michelle has completed many courses pertaining to her workplace; two of the most useful to her as an Activist are “Communication Techniques” and “Critical Thinking”.

Through this vast experience and education Michelle is fully capable of leading the MGEU membership. She puts her knowledge and experience into empowering the members to become the strongest Union in Manitoba, not just for ourselves but for our children, grandchildren…future generations. She believes we are the foundation!